
Your Never Alone

AIS provides a full-service solution to be able to fully support your local, regional or global operations.

This includes a 24/7/365 Managed Hosting service with guaranteed uptimes, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) & local support team with the always on-call infrastructure expertise required to ensure disruption-free operations.

This also includes a 24/7/365 OmniTraQ/FMS/OniRFID managed hosting service (local or AWS); automatic software updates; normal working hours or 24/7/365 support options; 4 hour guaranteed response times, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) & a development team for ongoing product enhancement.

We offer an outsourced services arrangement for a monthly fee, i.e. AIS can provide everything you require to utilize our services, with the whole system managed and supported on a continuous and ongoing basis.

This approach ensures the benefits of our services are immediately available and reduces your capital, training, in-house expertise and support costs to a manageable, fixed monthly amount.